Shri Shivaji Vidya Prasarak Sanstha's

Late Karmaveer Dr. P. R. Ghogrey Science College,

Dhule, Maharashtra

'A+' Grade NAAC Re-Accredited

Affiliated to Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon

बहूजन हिताय | बहूजन सूखाय ||

Dr. Manohar Vishwas Patil


Dr. Manohar Vishwas Patil
May 16, 1963
05, “Manjul-Leela” Anand Sahakari karmachari Society, Near Rabindranath Tagore Colony, Deopur, Dhule.
Botany (Angiosperm Taxanomy)

Sr.No. Degree University/Board Year of Passing Percentage
1 B.Sc Poona 1988
2 M.Sc Poona 1990
3 Ph.D K.B.C.N.M.U Jalgaon 2004

# Name of the student Status Title of thesis/project Certificate
1 Mr.Pravin S. Patil Awarded Ethnobotanical Investigations in Badwani, District (M.P) NA
2 Mr. Shekar B. Khairnar Awarded An Inventory on Agrobiodiversity and Homestead Gardens in Tribal Tehsils of Khandesh (Maharashtra). NA
3 Mr.Yogesh A. Ahirrao Ongoing Ethnobotanical Wisdom of Herbal Vendors in some North- Western District of Maharashtra. NA
4 Miss Swati Patil Ongoing Ethnobotanical Wisdom of Herbal Vendors in Ahemadnagar District of Maharashtra. NA

# Title Organiser & Place Sponsor Date Duration(Days) Certificate
1 5th Refresher Course in Botany at Staff Academic College Dr.B.A.M. University Aurangabad Dr.B.A.M.University, Aurangabad Staff College Dr.B.A.M.University, Aurangabad 06/03/2000 28 NA
2 39th Orientation Course Academic Staff College Dr.B.A.M.University, Aurangabad Dr.B.A.M.University, Aurangabad Staff College Dr.B.A.M.University, Aurangabad 01/01/1970 30 NA
3 71st Orientation Course for Programme Officers of N.S.S. N.S.S. TOC, Ahemadnagar. TOC 01/01/1970 10 NA
4 39th Refresher Course on “Fostering Personal Development and Social Progress: Moral Capabilities” Bahai Academy, Panchgani, Dist. Satara.Bahai Academy, Panchgani, Dist. Satara. Bahai Academy 01/01/1970 05 NA
5 Refresher Course in Environmental Science organized by Staff Academic College Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune Z.B Patil College Dhule Staff Academic College Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune 10/11/2014 21 NA
6 Short term course 17th Classroom Teaching Technology Academic Staff College Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat. Academic Staff College Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat. 25/08/2014 07 NA

# Title of the paper Name of the journal/ academic forum Dates of activity/ Year of publication Level / type of journal/ forum With impact factor Organiser& Place of the forum/ publisher, place, volume, page no. ISBN/ ISSN no. Paper/ Attachment
1 Diversity and Potentials of legume crops in tribal tehesils of khandesh region (Maharashtra: India). Species and Int. Journ 01/01/2017, 2017 Int. Journ. Species and Int. Journ ISSN:2319-5789 NA
2 Philological Study of Scientific Plant Names: Their Significance and lessons learned Int.J.Rec.Sci.Res. 6(10):7124-7127 2016 International ,Impact factor 5.114 Int.J.Rec.Sci.Res. 6(10):7124-7127 ISSN : 0976-3031 NA
3 ) Investigations of Plants used for antidotes in Badwani District Madhya Pradesh. International Journal of Advanced Research and Development 2016 International ,Impact factor RJIF 5.24 Vol. 1; - 4;April, 20016 29-31 ISSN: 2455-4030 NA
4 ) Ethnomedicinal investigation of herbal vendors in North Maharashtra (India) combating jaundice disease. IRMJCR (Scholar World) 2016 International IRMJCR (Scholar World) Special Issue VI (January, 2016):152-155 ISSN:2319-5789 NA
5 Herbal formulations used in Badwani district (Madhya Pradesh) India. International Journal of Advanced Research And Development 2016 International Journal International Journal of Advanced Research And Development 1(3):76-81 ISSN: 2455-4030 NA

# Title of the chapter/ article and book Publisher & Place Publication year ISBN/ ISSN no.
1 Ethnobotany of Nasik District (Maharashtra) Daya Publishing House, Delhi 2006 ISBN: 81-7035-438-2
2 Herbal Materia Medica of Maharashtra. Daya Publishing House, Delhi 2013 ISBN: 978-81-7035-807-7
3 Ethnobotany of Badwani District (Madhya Pradesh) Daya Publishing House, Delhi 2016 ISBN: 81-7035-438-2

# Title of Presentation Event Type Organiser & Place Sponsor Date Duration (Days) Certificate
1 Utility of locally available plants to mankind Seminar Gandhi Tatvadnyan Kendra 10/01/2001 NA
2 Personality Development and Role of Youth in NSS Seminar N.M.University, Jalgaon N.M.University, Jalgaon 05/01/2001 NA
3 Aims and Objectives of NSS and Role of Youth for Society Workshop Krantiveer Navalbhau Arts College, Navalnagar 09/01/2002 NA
4 Origin of plant names used by the tribals and local people Workshop Staff Academy, Gangamai College, Nagaon 01/10/2003 NA
5 Disaster Management Workshop Mahila Swayamsiddha training camp Sports Stadium Dhule. 22/10/2010 NA
6 Delivered lecture on ‘Ghandhi Thoughts’ and Presided, The Ghandhi Vyakhyanmala Seminar Ghandhi Tatvagyan Kendra, Dhule 03/08/2016 NA
7 XXVI Annual Conference of I.A.A.T. and International Seminar on “Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Biodiversity” Seminar Department of Botany, Shivaji Univesity Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India 07/11/2016 NA
8 Global Warmming Seminar Late Annasaheb R.D.Deore Arts and Science college, Mhasdi, Dhule 23/01/2016 NA
9 Research Methodology and its Importance Seminar S.G.Patil Arts, Comm. and Science college, Sakri, Dist. Dhule. 05/01/2017 NA

# Statutory Body / Association Post Period Certificate
1 Indian Botanical Society NA
2 Indian Association of Angiosperm Taxonomists NA
3 International Society of Ethnobotanists NA
4 Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, CSIR, New Delhi. NA
5 Advances in Biological Sciences, Ahmedabad NA
6 Advances in Medicinal Plants, Jodhpur NA

# Activity Place Date Duration Certificate
1 Organised Blood Donation and Medical checkup camp specially for Girls and Boys Dhule 09/10/2018 NA
2 Organised Blood Donation and Medical checkup camp specially for Girl Dhule 08/10/2017 NA
3 Organised Elucation competition on “Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj” Dhule 19/02/2015 NA
4 Organised Tree Plantation programme and Planted 100 trees in College campus Dhule - NA
5 Organised Eye checkup camp at G.E.T. Arts, Science and Commerce College, Nagaon Nagaon,Dhule - NA
6 Organised Medical fitness checkup camp at G.E.T. Arts, Science and Commerce College, Nagaon. Nagaon,Dhule - NA