Shri Shivaji Vidya Prasarak Sanstha's
Late Karmaveer Dr. P. R. Ghogrey Science College,
Dhule, Maharashtra
'A+' Grade NAAC Re-Accredited
Affiliated to Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
- Shri Shivaji Vidya Prasarak Sanstha's Late Karmveer Dr. P. R. Ghogrey Science College, Dhule
- We cordially invite you for the "Discovery of Flights: A National Conference for Enthusiastic Bird Watchers," scheduled for October 21st and 22nd, 2023..
- Shri Shivaji Vidya Prasarak Sanstha's Late Karmveer Dr. P. R. Ghogrey Science College, Dhule

Dr. Indrarao Shaligram Ahirrao
Assistant Professor
Dr. Indrarao Shaligram Ahirrao
April 02, 1968
Plot Number-2, Dwarka- Nagar, Kishor Appa Malla, Near Chandravel Phase-2&3, Deopur, DHULE, Maharashtra, India.
Zoology (Entomology).
Sr.No. | Degree | University/Board | Year of Passing | Percentage |
1 | B. Sc. Zoology. | Poona University. | 1991 |
# | Title of activity | Date & Duration | Level of Activity | Organizer & Place | Sponsor |
1 | Workshop on S.Y.B.Sc. syllabus. | 28/06/2017 | University | A.M.Patil ASC, College,Pimpalner, District Dhule, Maharashtra, India. | A.M.Patil ASC, College, Pimpalner District Dhule, Maharashtra, India |
# | Title of activity | Date & Duration | Level of Activity | Organizer & Place | Sponsor |
1 | Solar energy and it's applications in various ecosystem levels in India and Globe. | 09/02/2011 | International | SSVPSS,LKDr.P.R.Ghoghre Science College, Dhule, Maharashtra India. | SSVPSS'S L.K.Dr.P.R.Ghogrey Science College, Dhule, Maharashtra, India. |
2 | Solar energy and it's applications in various ecosystem levels in India and Globe. | 09/02/2011 | International | SSVPSS,LKDr.P.R.Ghoghre Science College, Dhule, Maharashtra India. | SSVPSS'S L.K.Dr.P.R.Ghogrey Science College, Dhule, Maharashtra, India. |
3 | Government Holkar Science Model Autonomous College Indore Madhya Pradesh India | 15/12/2020 | International | Government Holkar Science Model Autonomous College Indore Madhya Pradesh India. | Government Holkar Science Model Autonomous College Indore Madhya Pradesh India. |
# | Course Name | Place | Date | Certificate |
1 | T.Y.B.Sc.,, Text book of Embryology. | Prashant Publication , Jalgaon , Maharashtra, India. | 03/01/2018 | View |
2 | T.Y.B.Sc.,, Text book of Embryology. | Prashant Publication , Jalgaon , Maharashtra, India. | 03/01/2018 | View |
3 | T.Y.B.Sc.,, Text book of Chordate Embryology. | Prashant Publication , Jalgaon , Maharashtra, India. | 29/04/2022 | View |
4 | T.Y.B.Sc.,, Text book of Embryology. | Prashant Publication , Jalgaon , Maharashtra, India. | 03/01/2018 | View |
5 | T.Y.B.Sc.,, Text book of Embryology. | Prashant Publication , Jalgaon , Maharashtra, India. | 03/01/2018 | View |
# | Name of the student | Status | Title of thesis/project | Certificate |
1 | Agnivesh Amrutsagar | Ongoing | Study of Snakes, their ecological status and Conservation in Dhule district of Maharashtra India. | NA |
# | Title of the paper | Name of the journal/ academic forum | Dates of activity/ Year of publication | Level / type of journal/ forum With impact factor | Organiser& Place of the forum/ publisher, place, volume, page no. | ISBN/ ISSN no. | Paper/ Attachment |
1 | Mosquito borne Dengue disease Spread in Satpuda mountain ranges of Dhule and Nandurbar District of Maharashtra State, India. | International Journal of Creative and Innovative Research and Technology. | 09/09/2020, 2020 | International, Open-acess, peer-reviewed,impact factor- 7.97. | IJCRT, Vol.8, Issue-9, Date-9/9/2020. | 1308-1311 | View |
2 | Mosquito borne Dengue disease Spread in Satpuda mountain Region of Dhule and Nandurbar District of Maharashtra, India | IJCRT, | 09/09/2020, 2020 | International, Open-acess, peer-reviewed, and referred journal,impact factor- 7.97. | IJCRT, Vol.8, Issue-9, Date-9/9/2020. | ISSN-1308-1311 | View |
3 | Biodiversity of Butterflies in Jijamata, College Campus, Nandurbar, Maharashtra, India. | Purakala, (UGC-CARE LISTED.) | 30/04/2020, 2020 | INTERNATIONAL, UGC care listed journal. | PURAKALA., UGC CARE JOURNAL, VOL. 31, ISSUE, 4, APRIL 2020..P542-545. | ISSN-0971-2143 | View |
4 | Plants and animals act as a source of vitamin a, b, c for curing different diseases of human and domestic organisms.:-A review Report. | IJISRT, | 05/09/2020, 2020 | International, Open-acess peer-reviewed and referred journal,impact factor- | IJISRT, Volume 5, ISSUE-9, Page- 1105-1107. | ISSN-2456-2165. | View |
5 | Role of Sericulture As An Agrobased industry for the sustainable development of India. | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews. | 01/01/2019, 2019 | International, Open-acess peer-reviewed and referred journal,impact factor- | SSVPSS, ASC College, Shindkheda District Dhule, Maharashtra, India. | E-ISSN 2348-1269,P-2349-5138. | NA |
6 | Biodiversity of plants provide rearing of Sericulture As An Asset of environment and Agrobased rural industry. | Ajanta, Publication , Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India | 01/01/2019, 2019 | INTERNATIONAL, UGC care listed journal. | AJANTA -ISSN-2277-5730-Vol.VIII, Issue -1, January -March,2019,Page,54-57. | ISSN-2277-5730-Impct Factor,5.5,(www.ajifactor.com) | NA |
7 | Biodiversity of plants provide rearing of Sericulture As An Asset of environment and Agrobased rural industry. | Ajanta, Publication , Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India | 01/01/2019, 2019 | INTERNATIONAL, UGC care listed journal. | AJANTA -ISSN-2277-5730-Vol.VIII, Issue -1, January -March,2019,Page,54-57. | ISSN-2277-5730-Impct Factor,5.5,(www.ajifactor.com) | NA |
8 | Biodiversity of mosquitoes (Order-Diptera) of Dhule district and their economic importance. | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)www.jetir.org. | 31/03/2019, 2019 | International, Open-acess peer-reviewed and referred journal,impact factor- | www.jetir.org,Raver ASC, College,Jalon, Maharashtra, India and Burhanpur ASC, College M.P, India.. | ISSN -2349-5162. | NA |
9 | Outbreak of Dengue and malaria in Maharashtra India and Globe. | International Journal of Life Sciences, Bodvad Tal District -Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India | 01/12/2019, 2019 | International, Open-acess peer-reviewed and referred journal,impact factor- | Bodvad Tal District -Jalgaon Maharashtra India, International Journal of Life Sciences,Vol.Special issue,A 13, December,2019,ISSN-2320-7817(p)2320-964X(o). Page no,310-314. | ISSN -2320-7817(p)2320-964X(O) | NA |
10 | Outbreak of Dengue and malaria in Maharashtra India and Globe. | International Journal of Life Sciences, Bodvad Tal District -Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India | 01/12/2019, 2019 | International, Open-acess peer-reviewed and referred journal,impact factor- | Bodvad Tal District -Jalgaon Maharashtra India, International Journal of Life Sciences,Vol.Special issue,A 13, December,2019,ISSN-2320-7817(p)2320-964X(o). Page no,310-314. | ISSN -2320-7817(p)2320-964X(O) | NA |
11 | Mosquito -borne dengue disease spread in Satpuda mountains of Dhule and Nandurbar district of Maharashtra, India. | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org | 30/09/2020, 2020 | International, Open-acess, peer-reviewed, and referred journal,impact factor- 7.97. | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts,Vol.8, Issue 9, September 2020.-p.n.1308-1311. | ISSN:2320-2882, IJCRT 2009172 | NA |
12 | Survey of Aphis gossypii from cotton Khandesh region of Maharashtra state (India.) | International Journal of Advance and innovative Research | 30/04/2018, 2019 | INTERNATIONAL, UGC care listed journal. | International Journal of Advance and innovative Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India,Vol.6, Issue, 2,(ll): April -June,2019.Page-354-356. | ISSN -2394-7780. | NA |
13 | Occurence of Elephantiasis in Nandurbar district of Maharashtra state India. | International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research. | 01/09/2020, 2020 | International, Open-acess peer-reviewed and referred journal,impact factor- | DOI: http://doi.org/10.29121/ijetmr.v7.9.2020.790.Vol.7(09)80-84. | ISSN 2454-1907. | View |
14 | Biology of Amaranthus weevil Hypolixus truncatulus of Curculonidae of order Coleoptera of Nandurbar district of Maharashtra, India. | "Shikhan Samruddhi"of DES.Dhule., Maharashtra, India. | 28/02/2017, 2017 | International, Open-acess, peer-reviewed,impact factor- 7.97. | NNC,ASC College,Kusumba, Dhule, Maharashtra , India. | ISSN 2394-0166. | NA |
15 | Biology of Amaranthus weevil Hypolixus truncatulus of Curculonidae of order Coleoptera of Nandurbar district of Maharashtra, India. | "Shikhan Samruddhi"of DES.Dhule., Maharashtra, India. | 28/02/2017, 2017 | International, Open-acess, peer-reviewed,impact factor- 7.97. | NNC,ASC College,Kusumba, Dhule, Maharashtra , India. | ISSN 2394-0166. | NA |
16 | Introduction of tetraploidy in Indian Bull frog R.tigrina by thermal,hydrostatic pressure and chemical shocks. | Asian Journal of Advances in Research. | 25/08/2021, 2021 | International,Asian Journal of Advances in Research. | SSVPSS,LKDr.P.R.Ghoghre Science College, Dhule, Maharashtra India. | Not available | NA |
17 | Solar energy and it's applications at various ecosystem levels in India and Globe | Asian Journal of Advances in Research. | 09/09/2021, 2021 | International,Asian Journal of Advances in Research. | SSVPSS,LKDR.P.R.Ghoghrey Science College, Dhule, Maharashtra, India. | Not available. | View |
18 | Solar energy and it's applications at various ecosystem levels in India and Globe | Asian Journal of Advances in Research. | 09/09/2021, 2021 | International,Asian Journal of Advances in Research. | SSVPSS,LKDR.P.R.Ghoghrey Science College, Dhule, Maharashtra, India. | Not available. | View |
19 | Forest, raw material ,pulp are raw sources of Paper industries and are past, and future of India and Globe during Covid-19 outbreak. | Asian Journal of Advances in Research. | 15/09/2021, 2021 | International, Open-acess, peer-reviewed, and referred journal,impact factor- 7.97. | Asian Journal of Advances in Research,Vol.,11(1),1-5,2021. | Not available | NA |
20 | Introduction of tetraploidy in Indian Bull frog R.tigrina by thermal,hydrostatic pressure and chemical shocks. | Asian Journal of Advances in Research. | 25/08/2021, 2021 | International,Asian Journal of Advances in Research. | SSVPSS,LKDr.P.R.Ghoghre Science College, Dhule, Maharashtra India. | Not available | NA |
21 | Outbreak of Dengue and Malaria in Maharashtra India and Globe. | International Journal of Life Sciences, | 26/03/2020, 2020 | International, Open-acess, peer-reviewed, and referred journal,impact factor- 7.97. | International Journal of Life Sciences, Special Issue A:13,:310-314. | ISSN -2320-7817(p)2320-964X(O) | NA |
22 | Outbreak of Dengue and Malaria in Maharashtra India and Globe. | International Journal of Life Sciences, | 26/03/2020, 2020 | International, Open-acess, peer-reviewed, and referred journal,impact factor- 7.97. | International Journal of Life Sciences, Special Issue A:13,:310-314. | ISSN -2320-7817(p)2320-964X(O) | NA |
23 | Occurence of New species record Jasmine Moth Order Lepidoptera Family Crambidae Genus Palpita vitralis Rossi of Khandahara forest of Nandurbar district of Maharashtra state India. | Pustak Bharati, Toranto Canada. | 18/12/2021, 2021 | International, Open-acess, peer-reviewed,impact factor- 7.97. | Raj Rishi Government Autonomous College, Alwar, Rajasthan, India Pustak Bharati, Toranto Canada, Varanasi,U.P., India, Page number -40-44. | ISBN-978-1-989416-75-4. | View |
24 | Biodiversity of Coleoptera Family Curculonidae Of Dhule and Nandurbar district of Nandurbar district of Maharashtra state India. | Pustak Bharati, Toranto Canada. | 18/12/2021, 2021 | Recent Advances in Science and Technology. | Pustak Bharati, Toranto, Canada, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India ,Raj Rishi Government Autonomous College, Rajasthan, India, page number,136-141.. | ISBN-978-1-989416-75-4. | NA |
25 | Biodiversity of Coleoptera Family Curculonidae Of Dhule and Nandurbar district of Nandurbar district of Maharashtra state India. | Pustak Bharati, Toranto Canada. | 18/12/2021, 2021 | Recent Advances in Science and Technology. | Pustak Bharati, Toranto, Canada, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India ,Raj Rishi Government Autonomous College, Rajasthan, India, page number,136-141.. | ISBN-978-1-989416-75-4. | NA |
26 | Biodiversity of Coleoptera Family Curculonidae Of Dhule and Nandurbar district of Nandurbar district of Maharashtra state India. | Pustak Bharati, Toranto Canada. | 18/12/2021, 2021 | Recent Advances in Science and Technology. | Pustak Bharati, Toranto, Canada, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India ,Raj Rishi Government Autonomous College, Rajasthan, India, page number,136-141.. | ISBN-978-1-989416-75-4. | NA |
# | Title of the chapter/ article and book | Publisher & Place | Publication year | ISBN/ ISSN no. |
1 | Chordate Embryology, Prashant Publication Jalgaon. | Prashant Publications, Jalgaon, Maharashtra. | 2019 | |
2 | General Embryology,T.Y.B.Sc.Zoology. | Prashant Publications, Jalgaon, Maharashtra. | 2018 | |
3 | General Embryology,T.Y.B.Sc.Zoology. | Prashant Publications, Jalgaon, Maharashtra. | 2018 | |
4 | Organic Farming:- A Secured Food Tool in Make India and Globe - A Review. | Amazon Asia-Pacific Private limited. | 2020 |
# | Title of Presentation | Event Type | Organiser & Place | Sponsor | Date | Duration (Days) | Certificate |
1 | Solar energy and it's application at various Eco-system level. | Workshop | Abhinav Education Society's Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose ASC College Nanded District Nanded Maharashtra India. | Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose ASC College Nanded District Nanded Maharashtra India. | 28/02/2023 | 11 days | NA |
# | Statutory Body / Association | Post | Period | Certificate |
3 | Shri Shri Ravi Shankar, India. | Lifetime membership. | 09/1/1999. | NA |
4 | Nisarg Vedh, Dhulia | Lifetime membership. | 1/01/2011. | NA |
5 | Nisarg Mitra Samiti, DHULIA, Maharashtra State, India | Lifetime membership. | 20/3/18. | NA |
6 | Nisarg Mitra Samiti, DHULIA, Maharashtra State, India | Lifetime membership. | 20/3/18. | NA |
# | Activity | Place | Date | Duration | Certificate |
1 | Online National webinar on Exam work from Home and Evaluation of Paper from home during Covid-19. | - | NA | ||
2 | Corona Virus awareness Quiz. | - | NA | ||
4 | Covid-19 Quiz Competition. | - | NA | ||
5 | Online National Quiz Competition On Environmental Day. | - | NA | ||
6 | Online Covid 19 Quiz -19. | - | NA | ||
7 | Online Covid 19 Quiz -19. | - | NA | ||
8 | Coordinator of General knowledge Committee of SSVPSS KLDr.P.R.Ghogrey Science College, Dhule for S.Y.B.Sc.Classes. | - | NA | ||
9 | Coordinator of Certificate Course In Public Health and Hygiene.for UG and P.G.Classes of Science/Zoology | - | NA | ||
10 | Coordinator of Certificate Course In Public Health and Hygiene.for UG and P.G.Classes of Science/Zoology | - | Three years. | NA | |
11 | Coordinator of Certificate Course In Public Health and Hygiene.for UG and P.G.Classes of Science/Zoology | 1- | 05/01/2022 | Six-years. | NA |
12 | Coordinator of Student Welfare Committee, | SSVPKLDr.PRG, Science College Dhule Maharashtra India. | 15/07/2019 | 14/7/2023. | NA |
13 | Chairman of Library Committee, SSVPS'S L.K.Dr.P.R.Ghogrey , SCIENCE COLLEGE DHULE. | SSVPS'S,L.K.Dr.P.R.Ghogry Science College Dhule, Maharashtra | 11/09/2024 | One year. | NA |
14 | Member of Anti-ragging Committee, SSVPS'S L.K.Dr.P.R.Ghogrey Science College Dhule, Maharashtra, India. | SSVPS'S,L.K.Dr.P.R.Ghogry Science College Dhule, Maharashtra | 11/09/2024 | One year. | NA |
15 | Member of Sports Committee, SSVPS'S L.K.Dr.P.R.Ghogrey Science College Dhule, Maharashtra, India. | SSVPS'S,L.K.Dr.P.R.Ghogry Science College Dhule, Maharashtra | 11/09/2024 | One year. | NA |